Dress and faux fur vest: Aria (n/a) // Boots: Aldo // Earrings: Aldo
One of my favorite symbols, or amulets, is the evil eye. If you watch TRHNJ you will notice most of the ladies wearing the evil eye. And taking it way back to the beginnings of the TRHOC franchise it was that infamous evil eye hat that Tamra wore to ward off Vicky. But I digress as usual.
Growing up in the Caribbean you are surrounded by spiritual tales and mysticism. We call giving someone the evil eye “hacer Mal de Ojo.” I wear it, like many do, for protection. I also love wearing the hamsa, which is the hand of God. The hamsa is more middle eastern, and the evil eye has origins in Ancient Greece, much like my dress that has a decorative greek step pattern (which trust me I’ve sat through research lectures on this pattern because it’s that historically important) vase and the figure of a greek god.
I promise this is the last winter look with my OTK’s, Ok? It does show the versatility of the pair and how much bang you can get for your dolla dolla bills.
Until the next time,